All the rules and none

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You know I love a rule. Well, rules that I make up, anyway. But what happens when you follow all the rules, at the same time? A wonderful collision of new adventures, that’s what.

Let’s list some of Tina’s most famous rules, for any newcomers amongst us.

  • It seemed like a good idea at the time
  • I can’t rule anything in or out.
  • Just lie down on the lounge and the feelings will pass.
  • Do what you wanna do, be what you wanna be, yeah.
  • And that old favourite, just do nothing.

Side note: There are some rules about the rules. I take great inspiration from the comic genius Kitty Flanagan who wrote 488 Rules for Life and More Rules for Life. She says the first rule is that you don’t have to follow any rules you don’t like. I agree.

Obviously I follow no rules that were made up by anyone else, except Kitty, and me, and even then, only sometimes.

So at the end of last year, when I hit a bumpy patch in the road, for the first time, I followed all the rules. At the one time.

I lay down on the lounge, a lot, and waited for the feelings to pass. I just did nothing. Then I had some ideas that seemed to be good at the time. And because I couldn’t rule anything in or out, I sung “do what you wanna do, be what you wanna be.. yeah.”

And then I found myself living 1000km away from my home of 20 years, with a new job, a fancy new flat and more bars to investigate than you could poke a stick at.

I found that I had moved to Melbourne.

I’ve been here for about three months now and you probably won’t even believe half the stories I’m going to write for you. I don’t even believe them and I was there.

All I can say is that I have been gathering material and you are in for a real treat. Stay tuned. Tina is back and she has not lost her touch.

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