Last night I met an Existentialist in a bar. Really. What are the chances? Could this be Husband, 6? Spoiler alert – it’s a ‘no’ from me. But I have made a new List. Now I’m just asking for a…
The reverse bower bird strikes again
I really am having a gap year. The amount of lost underwear is extraordinary. Just this week I lost more of it in Atlanta. And it even comes with a decent dose of embarrassment too. Rewind a few days and…
In case you’ve never seen the first two movies starring Bruce Willis and John Malkovich, RED stands for Retired. Extremely Dangerous. I’ve just survived RED 3. You remember my friends Sherry and Bob from the FOT part 1. They live…
Honking horns and the smell of garbage
New York City truly does make all your senses come alive. When you first set foot on the pavement, you start dodging the bags of rubbish, or trash as they call it here. Then you breathe in. Oh the smell…
You know it’s a sign
You know it’s a sign when you’re in the airport queue and you see someone you really, really like but haven’t seen for 20 years. Nearly 30 years ago I had the best job ever. I was part of the…
You can teach an old dog new tricks
If you’d asked me 12 years ago if I would ever get a dog, I probably laughed, screamed or cried. You see, I’ve had severe dog fear for my whole life. The type of fear that causes recurring nightmares and…
Keeping the FOT feeling
There is nothing that kills off a relationship quicker than the mundane. Let’s face it, once the dating phase is over, it’s just dirty washing and fights over who picks up the kids. The FOT has the potential to be…
The art of PIE
It’s amazing how close humans are to a riot at all times. It only takes one PIE (Pusher-In-Erer) to cause an orderly group of airport queuers to lose their shit. The hardest part of the whole overseas trip was, you…
Lost and found
The Festival of Tina is not like a typical Australian 18 year old’s gap year, where you leave a trail of destruction across the globe. I’m more mature than that. Instead I’ve left a trail of stuff around the world.…
I’m fluent!
After four weeks in a beautiful location but with sub-par weather, I was thrilled to spend my final few magical days in France, in springtime Paris with my BFR and her husband. We walked, ran and even cruised the Seine,…