So today my BFR and I skipped school and ran away from home. Yesterday we finished the four week program and we were supposed to return this morning to take a test that would show us how much (or little!)…
Choose your own adventure
As you know I like to take a saying and make it my own. I have many of them. One of my favourites has always been: You can choose your own adventure OR have it foisted upon you. Nothing that…
Danger of morte and merde
The two main dangers in France are death… and stepping in dog shit. I’ve been living here in Villefranche-sur-Mer for nearly two weeks now and I’m shocked that I am still alive. I’m even more shocked that my shoes are…
Je suis française
All of the travelling thus far has brought me to this point. I am now officially French. Just ask anyone here… except my teacher. I chose this course in the magnificent town of Villefranche-sur-Mer, which is next to Nice on…
Give up on your dreams, Susan
If you know me, you know that I love Melissa McCarthy. She is hilarious. So as I was walking down another charming street in yet another medieval village, feeling inexplicably despondent, I started giggling. “Give up on your dreams, Susan,”…
C’est la vie
Just before I left New York, I had a moment of panic. All this time I had been planning and dreaming about this trip to France and it was about to come to fruition. I was suddenly scared. Maybe I…
I’m in a New York State of Mind
When you get the call up for a night out in NYC from one of your favourite nieces, it seems churlish not to attend. Nieces (and nephew – yes that is you, Miles), I love you all equally, but no…
The other 220 hours
As discussed, most of the time on a cruise is spent… you guessed it… cruising. We left New York in the middle of a snow storm and had two full days of (cold) cruising before we got off the ship…
I don’t like reggae… I love it
So I had no clue where we were going on the cruise, therefore I knew less than zero about the places where we docked. The schedule changed so many times that I couldn’t keep track. After about five minutes I…
It seemed like a good idea at the time
I’m on the Atlantic Ocean somewhere and literally have no idea where we are headed. They give us a new note each day with an updated itinerary. Something about ports and people changing the rules. I figure when the ship…